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Aside  —  Posted: April 14, 2014 in Uncategorized

Modus Operandi you may have heard of this term on a movie. Or in a strategy book. Modus operandi is Latin for mode of operation or method of operation. Its essentially how you operate. How do you operate? Whether you know it or not you have one.

For instance what do you do every day. Waking, showering, getting dressed, maybe coffee or tea, heading to work (whether that’s for yourself or another man) how you drive there, what you do there, and then what you do after all the way to going back to bed. We each have our own ways of operating on a normal day..

So your life has one, why not your business? A business thrives on this. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Your business needs a plan. Do you use a planner of some sort?

Some people have planners some use smartphones either is good but the way a MO for your business needs to be set up is as a block of time in your normal daily calendar. That way you know when you go to work. But then have a seperate calendar when you outlay exactly what you do on a daily basis.

Mines looks something like this.

9:00 A.M. – Return any missed calls or messages. (There’s always at least one related).

9:30 A.M. – Check my business email, see if there’s any new recruits or emails I need to return or ewallet notifications!

10:00 A.M. – Begin doing research of products in drop shipping websites. Trying to find something hot to sale using D$ Domination methods.

11:00- List items for sale on ebay.

12:00 – Begin recruiting efforts for the day.

2:00 – Answer questions and issues from prospects.

3:00 – Finish work, go have fun!

Mines changes by the day. Each day is different but each day has a plan. Do I always stick to plan? No, some days are thrown off. But im working the plan. This increases sales potentials for me as well as well as keeps me organized.

Calendars That Work:

Google Calendar
Outlook Calendar
IOS Calendar

Or a handy planner! Look for the above calendars with a google search! Lets go to work!

October Message for the Team!!

Posted: October 17, 2013 in Site News
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Team Message for October!!! Be Blessed Family!!

Working in a team environment inevitably means coming to consensus where complex issues are involved, taking into account the opinions and perspectives of a variety of personalities and backgrounds. Part of effective leadership is helping those you manage move beyond their comfort zones into common ground, a process that can lead to better communication and heightened self-awareness while saving your company time and money. But how do you build a bridge for your team to reach “Yes”? 

TRY A NEW P.O.V. – Reframing the situation can work wonders, helping someone focus on the positives instead of negatives or opportunities instead of barriers or threats. Even if it doesn’t completely address concerns, breaking out beyond one’s perspective can open the possibilities beyond what’s been considered so far. Try to think like your individual team members and anticipate what will concern them – by addressing those issues up front, you may save a number of headaches down the road. 

CELEBRATE DIVERSITY – There’s no one “right” way to communicate or work in business. By understanding and appreciating the various styles and strengths on your team, you’ll be able to foster synergy and collaboration instead of frustration. Whether you opt for personality assessment tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or simply pay attention to subtle personality cues, taking the time to understand team dynamics and personalities will pay dividends down the road via a fulfilled, cohesive team. 

CATCH THE VISION – Help those you manage see the bigger picture, considering threads and patterns in the workplace. By emphasizing active listening and asking the right questions, you can help team players see positive patterns. An increased awareness can also help you watch for potential problems and triggers, allowing you to take the small steps that will turn the tide toward healthy collaborative efforts in the future.


“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” – George Bernard Shaw 

If there is one characteristic that sets leaders apart from the rest of the crowd, it’s vision –  the ability to see possibilities waiting to be uncovered, coupled with the logistical foresight to make those possibilities reality.  

But how can you broaden your scope to find more opportunities for your business and industry? Here are some ways to stoke your creative fire: 

  • Question with boldness – To get more ideas, ask more questions. The people with whom your path crosses have endless experiences and insights to share, but most won’t openly share without an invitation. Talk with contacts in both your personal and professional circles, asking them about what drives them, what they’ve learned recently, and how they’ve dealt with circumstances similar to what you’re facing. Don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions, either – and it’s more effective to ask someone what they did next instead of how they felt, to ask how and what instead of just why. While the details of the experiences may not overlap, the insights they can share may apply.
  • Cross-pollinate – One of the best ways to refresh your frame of reference is to look at the world through a new set of eyes. Take time to read trade publications or blogs from industries outside of your own and see how the advice contained therein could apply to your business. How could scientific research methods apply to accounting or law? How can marketing tips help a doctor hone his or her craft? You’d be surprised.
  • Pursue with passion – If you had a day in which you could do absolutely anything, how would you choose to spend that time? Close your eyes and picture it in detail – sights, sounds, flavors, textures. What is it about those experiences and those people that bring you joy? Capture those sparks and channel them into your business to reignite your professional creativity. Without passion, work is drudgery – but with it, work is empowering.

Remember Dale Carnegie’s wise words: “We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do.” That holds true for organizations as well as individuals, but it’s only by taking a risk to venture beyond the obvious boundaries that innovations can come.  


The ancient Greeks used pneuma to indicate both “breath” and “spirit” – and that’s not just a coincidence. The advice to “take a deep breath” when feeling stressed has help up for years because it’s been shown to reduce blood pressure and stabilize the sympathetic nervous system as you increase the oxygen in your system. 

A number of current fitness options emphasize deep, regulated breathing along with physical movement, such as yoga, tai chi, and chi gung. Joining a fitness class isn’t necessary to reap the benefits of stress-relieving breathing, however. You can practice breathing exercise throughout daily life to invigorate your body and mind. 

Here are a few tips to relieving stress through breathing techniques: 

  • Go deep – To maximize the benefits of relaxation breathing, be sure to use your diaphragm and breathe deeply. This can be done by envisioning that you’re sucking in air through a straw. Your stomach should push out as your lungs fill with air. If your shoulders are moving instead, then you’re breathing shallowly.
  • Slow down – Silently count slowly (1-2-3-4) while breathing in, hold your breath for another four counts, exhale fully while silently counting again (1-2-3-4), and pause for another four counts before breathing again. Repeat this series for about a minute (five to six times), and then return your breathing to its normal rhythm. You should feel calmer and more peaceful right away.
  • Add value – While engaging in these breathing exercises, meditate on a strengthening word or phrase, like “peace” or “power,” that contains a value or characteristic you would like to feel. Repeat this silently with each breath taken and released. As you breathe, focus the breath, envisioning it cleansing and releasing tension from head to toe. Continue for three minutes, and you should feel stronger and renewed.


Planning a new fitness regimen? While working out for hours a day every day seems like a winning strategy for most celebrities, it’s not actually the most healthy exercise plan – but neither is sitting idly on the couch, admiring the dust-gathering treadmill. So what does it take to get the optimal amount of exercise? 

When it comes to working out, it’s important to exercise smarter – not longer or harder – and more consistently. Dr. Pietro Tonino, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Loyola University Hospital, says the ideal workout is 30-60 minutes a day to avoid the degenerative damage to tendons and muscles that can follow overexercising while still giving your body the challenge it needs to build muscle and burn fat. 

To get the best fitness results, start your workout with anaerobic strength training before moving on to aerobic activities like running or cycling. By depleting some carbohydrates stores during the initial weights session, you’ll put your body in the fat-burning zone before even starting cardio. Plus, extra muscle requires extra calories to maintain – meaning you’ll burn extra calories while sitting at your desk the next day.  

Of course, exercise alone isn’t the answer. The age-old answer of “eat less, exercise more” has been empirically proven true. A study by the University of Pittsburgh found that of 191 overweight or obese women who were required to lose 10 percent of their initial body weight and maintain the loss for two years, the 47 women who had the most success were those who combined a reduced caloric intake (1200-1500 calories a day) with 4-5 hours of exercise a week.


Recently I was talking with a friend whose baby girl has just started to crawl. While watching footage of this little gal get around – hesitantly and haltingly at first – it made me think of how important it is to progress strategically and methodically toward any destination or goal, including in social media.  

While it’s important to begin with the end in sight, we also need to take joy in the journey to get to that end. If you want to be a social media pro, remember to value and savor the steps along the way as you engage with the various tools and methods to tell a story. Make sure you learn to walk before you run: 

  • Crawl – When entering the world of social media, it’s vital to remember that you’re still dealing with individuals interested in human stories. Don’t get distracted by the tools and platforms. Take the time to first understand what your (or your institution’s) inherent systems and processes, resources, and culture are. What are institutional barriers you may face in going social? Public companies face different issues than private companies, and different platforms make more sense for different audiences (e.g. a LinkedIn group vs. Facebook, depending on if you’re B2B or B2C). Thinking through what makes the most sense before starting will increase your chances for success – and decrease the chances your institution will write off social media as a fad or flop.
  • Walk – After you’ve made a strategy, begin engaging with one tool at a time. It’s important to take a note from the Johnson & Johnson playbook and get a presence in one platform launched and running well before branching out into another. Also, don’t discount the importance of building on your own real estate first. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook may be buzzing upon everyone’s lips, but they could be supplanted by the next big thing – remember MySpace and Friendster, after all? If you start an in-house blog on your own website, you’ll have control over it regardless of external forces. Be flexible as you try new things, remembering that nothing is permanent, but also be committed to the overall purpose behind social media: connecting with your audience. See what works, changing and adjusting as you go.
  • Run – Once you’ve mastered getting a social media presence launched, you’ll hit that prized end point of having a fully integrated social business, complete with measurable tracking and analytics that help you better understand the impact communicating with customers has on your business. Remember, the connection between social media and ROI may not be measurable in strict numbers, but social breeds customer loyalty, and that’s something that can’t be slapped with a price tag.

The process of implementing a winning social media strategy takes patience, but as you enjoy each milestone on the way to running with the best-practice examples, you’ll be able to savor the successes along the way with your lasting audience. 


When you’re smiling,’ keep on smilin’-

The whole world smiles with you.

And when you’re laughin,’ oh when youre laughin’-

The sun comes shinin’ through.

But when you’re cryin,’ you bring on the rain,

So stop your sighin’ – be happy again.

  • “When You’re Smiling”


Light attracts light – and happy people attract more happiness, not just in the emotional sense but in health benefits such as a healthier immune system, a lower chance of chronic disease, and a reduced production of cortisol. If pessimism is a problem for you, then here are some ways to brighten your outlook and reap the health benefits of happiness:

  • Appreciate aesthetics – Did you know that viewing art produces the same reaction in your brain as falling in love? According to The Telegraph, researchers have found that the brain releases dopamine, the “feel-good chemical,” into the orbito-frontal cortex of the brain when looking at art, leaving the viewer feeling intense pleasure normally associated with romantic love. This finding comes after other research had shown that art led to increased recovery times and reduced suffering in the hospital. To reap these benefits, make time to stroll a local art gallery or take in some beautiful local architecture. If no such options are available locally, turn to the Internet and take advantage of the virtual exhibits some museums feature. Connecting with aesthetic beauty enriches the soul and helps you appreciate all the natural and manmade beauty in the world.
  • Nurture yourself – Diet, exercise, and sleep have an immense influence on happiness, and the three are more intertwined than most realize. Dr. Eve Van Cauter of University of Chicago showed that people who don’t get enough sleep have lower levels of the appetite-regulating hormone leptin, leading to larger appetites. Additionally, hunger and fatigue feel similar, driving you to snack when you should sleep. Exercise releases all sorts of chemicals that stimulate happiness, help induce a better night’s sleep, and boost the immune system, among a myriad of other benefits.
  • Laugh and love – Laughter really is the best medicine! It not only relaxes your muscles, thereby relieving tension and stress, but it also decreases stress hormones while releasing endorphins, simultaneously boosting the immune system and relieving pain. The best laughter is shared with those you love, so make time to celebrate the healthy relationships in your life. Sharing laughter adds joy, vitality, and resilience to relationships as you release inhibitions and open up to express true feelings. Human connectedness brings more joy and healing than all the money and power in the world, so make it a priority, and you will feel more alive and happy.

Here’s to a happier you!


Introduction to the Swag Team

Posted: June 23, 2013 in Site News
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